Amma Massage

Amma is a traditional form of Japanese massage which dates back thousands of years. It is the predecessor to Shiatsu, the more familiar massage form widely recognized in the U.S. This massage is a hands-on physical massage which involves stretching, acupressure, and various techniques to balance the energy in the body and loosen tight muscles. Attention will be focused on specific areas of stress, but the entire body will be covered. Deep or moderate pressure can be used according to the client’s preference.

No oils are used in the session and the client stays fully clothed. This allows the client to incorporate a massage into their schedule without having to shower afterwards. Amma can induce a relaxing state or can re-invigorate — whatever the body needs at the moment.

Amma Massage Helps:

    • Unblock energy pathways (meridians) and loosen muscles so you can heal more quickly from an injury or recuperate from an operation
    • Provide a respite so you can calm your mind–and take a break!


    • Initial treatment for first-time clients
      1 hour: $125
    • Subsequent treatments
      1 hr: $110, 40m: $80

Massage may boost immunity. Cortisol, which is produced when you are stressed, kills cells important for immunity, so when massage reduces your stress levels and hence the cortisol in your body, it may help you avoid getting colds or another illness while under stress.




Waltham, MA


(781) 899-7163