Integrated Positional Therapy
Integrated Positional Therapy is all about muscle re-alignment. Chronic pain is caused by muscle imbalances. Muscles are too short (tight) or too long (overstretched). Since muscles are connected to bones, this will pull your skeleton out of alignment, thus creating poor posture and pain. Common examples of this are people with bent necks and hunched shoulders– texting, at their computers, or driving. IPT goes to the core of the problem by re-adjusting the pelvis– the foundation for aligning the body, and then loosening or strengthening muscles throughout the body. The techniques involve: Strain/Counter-strain (SCS), which is passively holding a muscle for 1-2 minutes until it relaxes and Muscle Energy Technique (MET) which uses isometric exercises to help loosen and strengthen a muscle.
After a treatment, a customized Wellness Plan is given out. By doing simple exercises on a daily basis, the client re-aligns their muscles and maintains good posture.
IPT can also relax and de-stress an individual who would prefer a non-massage treatment. Stretches are only 25%. There is gentle positioning of the body or “poses” for 1-2 minutes throughout the session. It is also a complementary treatment to physical therapy. Also, IPT can be used as a post-operation treatment to relax muscles and maintain healing.
IPT Provides Pain Relief From
- Headaches and Migraines
- Neck and Lower Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow (Tendonitis)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Knee Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen Shoulder
- Initial treatment for first-time clients
2 hour (approx.): $220 - Subsequent treatments
1 1/4 hr: $130
- Initial treatment for first-time clients